Tooth Implants: Procedure and Benefits

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Written By DerrickCalvert

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Tooth Implants: Procedure and Benefits

Dental care treatment is now a necessity for millions of people around the world, and despite improvements and advancements in the field of dental health and care patients are still suffering from dental decay and gum disease. In the past, bridges and fixing dentures were two main options for treating people with missing or broken teeth, or when teeth need to be removed surgically.

Modern-day dental treatment includes Tooth Implants which are substitute teeth roots. An implant can support one to three artificial teeth. It is an implant made of titanium that is implanted into the jawbone and replaces a tooth root that has failed. Implants provide a solid base or foundation on which removable or permanent teeth can be fixed to match natural teeth.

Implants for teeth have many advantages which include:

More comfort – Tooth implants can reduce discomfort when removing and fixing dentures.

* Easy eating and chewing food Dentures may not be 100% comfortable; as they use , they lose their fit and the chance of them slipping out when chewing food is very high. With Tooth Implants, this problem can be eliminated.

Improved oral health Teeth Implants do not require any other teeth to be altered or modified. This ensures that the natural teeth are unaffected and helps improve dental hygiene in the long term.

* Improvement in appearance – Because Teeth Implants are made to be a part of the jawbone; they become permanent and appear like natural teeth.

* Speech enhancement – In contrast to slurring and speech slurring caused by dentures implants do not slide, ensuring improved speech and communication.

See also  Dental Implants: Problems and Complications Implants

* More confidence and self-esteem A good smile brings confidence back and a bounce in the step.

* Convenience – Dentures need to be removed and cleaned everyday However, when you have Tooth Implants this isn’t necessary at all.

* Durability – If you take care of your teeth and have regular check-ups, dental plates can last a lifetime.

Implant Procedure

The majority of Tooth Implants can be safely done in the dentist’s office, under local anesthesia. For more complicated procedures, an intravenous sedation might be necessary. Every Tooth Implant procedure differs because of the preferences of the patient, the experience of a dentist, and the overall requirements of the case.

The procedure typically requires three steps since each stage takes the time to heal.

Step 1

This involves burying the dental plate flush into the gum. This is to give time to heal and safeguard the implant from the force. Once the healing process has ended, the Tooth Implant can be exposed by removing a portion of its gum. This procedure is known as osseointegrate’.

Step 2

The dental surgeon will examine the implant to determine whether it has been able to integrate into the gum. Then, he or is going to drill into the gum using an abutment (or an ‘abutment’). When the area that surrounds the gums heals, it forms a collar , which allows the dentist to access the implant as they place the prosthetic tooth or the artificial one.

Sometimes, step 1 and 2, are done in smaller steps. The benefit is that it eliminates extra surgical procedure However, this decision has to be taken by the dentist considering the length of time needed for the implant to heal and become integrated.

See also  Tooth Implants Different types and procedures

The time lag between the steps 1 and 2 performed at different times could vary from a few days or even a couple of weeks.

Step 3.

The final step is to make and secure the prosthetic toothor teeth to the integrated Tooth Implants.

Dental or Medical Insurance

Dental insurance is not offered to all patients. The factors that lead to the implant are taken into consideration and in certain cases insurance coverage under an existing medical plan may be assessed by the insurance provider. Since Tooth Implants are a costly treatment, it is advisable to talk to a qualified dentist and determine advantages and disadvantages before opting for the procedure.