Dental Implants: Problems and Complications Implants

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Written By DerrickCalvert

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Dental Implants: Problems and Complications Implants

Tooth Implants have been a great alternative to replace teeth or missing teeth over the years. Implants are described as anchors that are placed in your jaw bone to support permanently crowns or dentures.

Implants, comprised of ceramic or titanium alloy, are the best choice to replace missing teeth however they can be difficult and can cause problems when implanted into the jaw.

Like all surgical procedures, there are potential risks to Tooth Implants that you should be aware of prior to deciding on the procedure as a possibility of replacing missing teeth.

Improper Osseointegration

The most frequently encountered issue in Tooth Implants is the inadequacy of the implant’s surface. (Osseointegrated). In the event of failure, osseointegration may be caused by a variety of factors. The most common causes are the insufficient availability of bone to stabilize the implanted roots, an incidence of infection at the implant’s recipient area or jaw bone, pressure being placed on the Tooth Implant immediately after implantation or a compromised blood supply.

Allergic Reactions

Patients who are sensitive to titanium can suffer an allergic or inflammatory reaction. This is a concern that’s most frequently encountered when using titanium implants. Made out of a metal, this implant can result in galvanism, allergy and inflammation in bone and gums surrounding an Tooth Implant.


Implants placed in the jaw can lead to infection within the surrounding regions. Since the false dental root is surgically implanted into the jaw, the tissues around it could become infected. Infections can occur in the course of surgery or during crown restoration. Infections can also be caused by bad oral hygiene.

See also  Single Tooth Implants to replace a missing Tooth or Teeth

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage due to over-preparation of the implant site is another possible issue that could result in an numbness (parasthesia), pain and constant tingling of the chin, tongue gums or lips.

Tooth Implant Rejection

Implants in the body is viewed as a foreign substance which is able to be disregarded by the body. The patient’s body will refuse any dental implant or jaw that is contaminated with bacteria at the time of implant. Infection is the main reason of Tooth Implant rejection.

Failure of Implant

Tooth Implant failure is rare but can happen in some patients. Tooth Implant failure can be caused by pressure that is too high applied to a newly-installed post. The nighttime grinding of teeth during sleep (medically known as Bruxism) can disturb the implant’s position which can lead to loss. A mouth guard may be needed to protect the implant during rest and sleep.

Long-term Pain

Some patients may encounter prolonged pain in the area of the implant. It could be due to an intense localized inflammation or the positioning of the prosthetic nerve near the major or minor nerve branch. There are a variety of options for intervention in these instances. Implant removal is necessary if the pain continues for a long time.

Injury to Adjacent Teeth

It is possible that the adjacent teeth of the patient were damaged in the process of implant placement. The damage could happen when preparing the site of the recipient. The dentist could inflict injury to an adjacent tooth while drilling. To prevent this possibility it is essential to get your Tooth Implantation done in a well-known aesthetic dental clinic at the direction of a skilled dentist.

See also  The Reasons to Consider Tooth Implants

It is important that patients visit their implant specialist regularly to prevent any of the mentioned Tooth Implants issues and complications.