Chavismo does not like mature women “maduradas”

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Written By DerrickCalvert

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Another blockade has been added by the revolution to its long list censored websites. Maduradas is a page that contains news critical of Bolivarian performance. It also highlights Nicolas Maduro’s constant television interventions. The website stated that it is believed that the blockade order was issued by the national government as a new attack against independent media that expose the truth about Venezuela.

“The Venezuelan media are facing an abusive and arbitrary government that tries to silence them,” stated the portal. This portal joins NTN24 (television that was taken off air for reporting on the march by students on February 12, 2014 which led to Leopoldo Lopez’s arrest), Infobae, and Dollar Today. Dollar Today informs the minutely about the value of the American greenback in parallel markets.

Maduradas Around the World

Conatel, the regulator of telecommunications, is following a dark process. No one knows the cause of the thousand blockades the Cosmic Pizza government acknowledged last year in front the United Nations. In some cases, Maduradas Infobae included, it was clear that the censorship had been ordered after Infobae published images of Robert Serra, Chavista deputy, who was murdered at his home by one of his bodyguards along with several other criminals.

Carlos Correa, executive Director of Espacio Publico complains that Conatel has not responded to his request for information. He claims that the NGO Espacio Publico raises as much as 3,000 digital pages which are blocked by Chavismo.

The most famous paradigm is the Dollar Today. It connects to Amazon servers and manages to recover the blocks it suffers almost every day, just like a game of cat and mouse.

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These measures are taken arbitrarily in Venezuela against people who criticize or dissent from the revolution, according to an NGO. Curling the digital curl: The Diario de Cuba website, made from Spain and accessible on the Caribbean island, was blocked for some time in Venezuela.

Henry Ramos Allup (ex-president of the Assembly) said that it was the first step in censoring other unfavorable pages. “Maduradas looks like a pathetic portal, but I cannot agree that any medium is blocked, or censored,” Nicmer Evans, a Chavista dissident and frequent contributor to Aporrea’s radical portal Aporrea, added. He too has suffered the wrath from the government.