Unexpected facts about Erectile Dysfunction

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Written By DerrickCalvert

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a disorder that makes it difficult for men to achieve and sustain an erection. Unfortunately, many men as well as their partners are misinformed about ED – making it a taboo subject to discuss openly. Your physician is the best person to discuss this with; they can identify the source of the issue and suggest ways of managing it effectively. With these insights in hand, you’ll gain more insight into erectile dysfunction.

Common health issues include erectile dysfunction.

Nobody else but you is experiencing the loneliness of having an erection disorder (ED). Estimates suggest around 30 million American men are affected by this issue, with half of men over 40 suffering from some form of ED and 1 in 2 suffering before 75 years old. While ED prevalence tends to increase with age, the problem usually lies elsewhere – typically related to health and lifestyle factors.

Most cases of erectile dysfunction are due to a physical issue.

Sexual dysfunction issues may arise as a result of emotional or psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, stress and depression. Many instances of ED are caused by illnesses like high blood pressure or diabetes which restrict circulation to the penis or nerve supply. Other potential causes may include spinal cord injury, bladder or prostate surgery and certain medications. If you experience ED it could be indicative of other underlying medical problems.

Erectile dysfunction may be caused by lifestyle choices.

Your lifestyle choices must be discussed with your physician, as these could potentially contribute to erectile dysfunction (ED). They are only capable of helping if all facts are provided. Your doctor may suggest cutting down on alcohol consumption, increasing exercise levels, losing weight or quitting smoking cigarettes – while these suggestions may seem daunting at first glance, they can guide you toward finding solutions.

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It’s likely not due to low testosterone.

Men often associate testosterone as the most significant male hormone, yet it isn’t responsible for erectile dysfunction (ED). While low levels of testosterone may affect sexual desire but not its condition. Two elements are necessary to achieve an erection: blood flow and nerve supply. When mind or sensory stimulation starts in this region, nerves in this region control muscles that allow blood to travel to the penis – leading to an erection.

Doctors should provide treatment for erectile dysfunction.

The initial step in treating ED is to address any medical conditions that might be underlying. Doing this can help resolve the problem. Speak with your physician if you’re having difficulty maintaining an erection; it could be due to this reason.

Oral medications like sildenafil, Viagra and tadalafil/Cialis may be taken orally.
Injectable medicines and suppositories like alprostadil can also be administered via Caverject(r) vacuum devices or implants; or surgery may be used to repair damaged blood vessels within your penis.

  • Before you find the ideal method, it’s wise to test several alternatives.
  • Your genes could be the key to unlocking potential.

Your genes could be the next breakthrough in treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Genetic therapy is being researched as a permanent solution and stem cell therapy is being researched as well. Speak with your physician about joining an investigational trial that could provide early access to new treatments while also aiding other people suffering from ED by contributing to research efforts. Clinical trials provide patients with valuable insights and help advance science-related knowledge that could benefit all those suffering from ED. Doing erectile dysfunction treatment on your own can have serious consequences, and should never be attempted.

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Prior to taking any medication for ED treatment, it is advised to consult your physician. An examination of online ED supplements revealed alarming results: 33% contained unlisted and potentially hazardous components. Interactions and side effects from supplements can occur as well; consult your physician before purchasing anything and pick it up at your local pharmacy.

There may be an association between your teeth and overall oral health.

Numerous studies have shown that those suffering from gum disease and periodontal diseases have an increased likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction (ED). Gum disease may be one factor contributing to this risk factor; inflammation could be the culprit. Studies suggest ED can be prevented through proper dental hygiene practices; ensure your teeth are kept clean and see your dentist on a regular basis for checkups.